D&D Rail Ltd regards health and safety as a prime area of importance. The company’s health & safety policy fully meets the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations. In practice the company’s health & safety systems and procedures have won much … Continue reading
D&D Rail Limited are committed to reducing the environmental impact of their operations as far as is practicably possible. Environmental impacts are considered and assessed at tender stage and also during method statement production and where possible measures are taken to reduce environmental impacts. We ensure that any … Continue reading
The company place considerable importance on the development of a comprehensive Quality Management System.
The Management System rationalises all processes giving a corporate approach to quality. The operation of the system is therefore considered to be in the best interests of both the company and … Continue reading
D&D Rail Limited are a registered waste carrier under the control of pollution (amendment) Act 1989. D&D Rail Limited are committed to reducing waste created from their works as far as possible. This is put into practice in a number of ways … Continue reading