D&D Rail Limited are committed to reducing the environmental impact of their operations as far as is practicably possible.
Environmental impacts are considered and assessed at tender stage and also during method statement production and where possible measures are taken to reduce environmental impacts.
We ensure that any environmental restrictions of the site including section 61 notices etc are complied with when planning the works.
Where possible we will suggest alternatives where specified materials may have an environmental impact (e.g. fumes) and seek permission to use safer alternatives.
Monthly environmental tool box talks are carried out for all site and office staff to ensure awareness of the effects of our work on the environment and understanding of the importance of considering ways to reduce impact.
Where possible deliveries and collections from site using company vehicles are planned to avoid unnecessary journeys. Deliveries are planned as far as possible to allow delivery to more than one site by a single vehicle thus reducing emissions.
All company vehicles comply with the current London emission zone restrictions.
Waste from site is returned to our yard where we have separate skips for hardcore and other waste. These skips are collected by a licensed waste management company with facilities to sort and recycle waste thus reducing the amount of waste which is sent to landfill. We receive monthly reports from the waste company on their overall performance in recycling.
Alternatively waste may be taken directly to, or collected by a licensed waste management company which also has sorting and recycling facilities. In this instance there is also a further environmental impact reduction by reducing the distance waste is carried thus saving fuel and reducing emissions.
All waste will be stored and transported in a manner that prevents its’ escape.
D&D are a registered waste carrier under the control of pollution (amendment) Act 1989.
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