Project: Ash House Window & Door Replacements
Client: Tube Lines Limited BCV/SSL Minor Works
Works Value: £95,000
The existing windows and doors were in poor condition with some windows fixed shut where the opening mechanisms had been damaged and were deemed not suitable for repair. Door hinges had broken and temporary hinges had been provided to maintain access into the building so TfL established that the windows and doors required replacement.
There were 68 windows, 6 single leaf doors and 2 double leaf doors that required replacement.
Each window was carefully removed as the fixings were buried deep within the render to the reveals.
To access the windows on the first floor at the front of the building a scaffold was erected over the low roof areas.
To match the new windows the plant room louvre doors at the rear of the building were cleaned, prepped and painted white.
Also the two glazed walls had blue capping. This was removed, prepared and powder coated white and refitted to match the new windows and doors.
On completion of the installation of the windows and door all the reveals that were damaged were repaired and repainted.
These works work completing during the Covid–19 period in June 2020 so all social distancing rules etc. were in place and complied to.