Project: Tiling Works
Client: Tube Lines Limited BCV/SSL Minor Works
Works Value: £140,000
Existing floor tiles and access hatches in the sloped passage to Waterloo & City Line needed to be replaced as the existing finishes life had expired.
The benefits from this will be enhanced performance with the reduction of incidents of slips trips and falls as well as increased life expectancy.
The task was to break out tiles and screed, remove and replace old access hatches and lay new tiles on a bed screed. This was completed over a period of four weekend closures.
In some areas the floor substrate levels varied from 50mm to 120mm. To overcome this we used Parex to build up the levels to leave a 50mm depth below the finished floor levels. Ardex A38 with a mix of sharp sand was used for the screed and the tiles were wet laid onto the screed. Expansion joints were installed with colour contrasting tiles laid as required to identify the steep gradient. The shark tooth detail of the existing tiles in contrasting colours around the perimeter was also re-instated to match the original.
During the closure weekends the night tube was still running on Friday and Saturday nights. Acoustic barriers were erected to protect the staff and public from excessive noise and dust. These levels were monitored with no issues arising as a result.