Project: Paddington Station – Enabling Works – Streetworks
Client: UK Power Network
Works Value: £12,000
We were awarded a contract for enabling works at Paddington Station. This work was related to the replacement of the existing DC supply escalators with new HD Metro type, supplied from a new AC intake to be installed by UK Power Network.
We were tasked with the installation of a steel, seamless sleeve to facilitate the new cable.
The new power supply was to be routed from the pavement above in London Street into Room 2/081 in the London Underground Station below. Prior to our commencement on site we carried out a Line and Level Correlation Survey to determine the position of the LUL Sub-surface infrastructure (Room 2/081) to the surface topography of the pavement in London Street.
The original plan was to run the new supply through the side wall but on receipt of this survey we were instructed by London Underground to excavate the pavement and core through the soffit of/ into the room below. The survey confirmed that the depth from the pavement to the room soffit was approx. 1.6m, dependant on the thickness of the roof slab. Streetworks Licences were applied for via Westminster Council and a Traffic Management scheme was agreed.
Once the site was set up on the pavement the paving slabs were removed and the ground was excavated with a mini excavator, hydraulic breaker and where required by hand. Once the concrete roof slab was encountered we set up a mobile tower in room 2/081 below the excavation. We then cored a 100mm hole through the 650mm thick concrete roof slab through in to the room below. We then inserted a 90mm od seamless steel sleeve into the core hole and poured non-shrink grout around it. We then placed bituminous material around the sleeve at top of concrete level, concreted the sleeve in place and back filled the excavation with approved granular material.
The paving slabs were then re-laid and the Traffic Management was removed from site.
Finally our tools and equipment were cleared from Room 2/081 and documentation on the location of the sleeve presented to LU.