Stratford Station: – Plunger Works

Project: Stratford Station – Plunger Works

Client: Tube Lines Limited

Works Value: £72,000

Our task was to install new asset posts, one per platform on Platforms 13, 14 & 15 to enable existing plunger relocation by others, to improve access for Train Operations during train arrival/departure process.  As the new posts were being installed along the platform edge, the existing handrails were to be extended by 22M on each platform to segregate the new plunger posts from TfL customers.

Prior to any installation works, design works were carried out, followed by fabrication and galvanising of new handrail sections to match existing.  A concession was also sought due to the new asset installation in conjunction with the kinetic envelope.  A T002 certified person was employed on a nightly basis to ensure the platform/ track environment was “Fit for Traffic”.

During site works, to increase the working window from Engineering Hours to Extended Engineering Hours, DDR worked with Train Operations under a programme of works to divert trains to opposing platforms on a nightly basis.  This enabled core drilling to be carried out safely ready to receive new handrail base plates.  New handrail bays were installed including new handrails to form the 22M linear extension.  Pull tests and torque tests were carried out and recorded throughout the installation.

LUL approved materials were utilised throughout these works.


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